
People love heartwarming, touching stories. Acts of kindness, tales of people performing selfless deeds, or the uncle by the roadside selling kuih. Stories and events like these especially in our local communities deserve attention.
Do you know of an inspiring or heartwarming story yourself? Share them with us and win over RM7,000 in cash prizes!
MAY 9 - JUNE 30, 2022

Sign up & submit your content here. Content submitted can be in either English, Malay or Mandarin
Content submitted must be in written format and must revolve around the ‘Heartwarming’ theme
Your content submission must include the #Heartwarming / #暖心 / #SentuhHati hashtag respectively in your title. Submissions without the hashtag will not be counted as an entry for this campaign
Content must be at least 100 words. Please note that it is compulsory to include at least 1 image OR 1 video
Each participant is only allowed to submit a maximum of 5 articles per week, regardless of language. Any additional submissions will be disqualified automatically
Content must be unique and not plagiarised. Content submitted is to be exclusive to Newswav and not shared with other media outlets/publishers
Participants must share the published content in the form of Newswav link (e.g. newswav.com/xxx) on their social media platform(s)

Your content does not necessarily have to be in an article format, you can be creative with your submissions! It can be in the form of storytelling, poems, images + short pointers, and many more
Content creators are highly encouraged to cover stories that are based locally, for instance, ones found in their community/vicinity
The content with the most shares will be selected as the winners of this campaign.

GRAND PRIZE x3: One (1) English content, One (1) Bahasa Melayu content, and One (1) Mandarin content with the highest number of shares by the end of the campaign period will receive RM1,000 each.
SECOND PRIZE x3: One (1) English content, One (1) Bahasa Melayu content, and One (1) Mandarin content with the second-highest number of shares by the end of the campaign period will receive RM750 each.

THIRD PRIZE x2: One (1) English content and One (1) Mandarin content with the third-highest number of shares by the end of the campaign period will receive RM500 each.

NEWSWAV TOP PICKS x5: Five (5) best-written content regardless of language will be selected by Newswav at the end of the campaign period, where winners will receive RM150 each.
The winners of the #Heartwarming campaign will be announced on July 15, 2022. Winners will be contacted via email so do ensure that you provide us with the correct contact details upon account registration.
The Heartwarming Campaign (the “Contest”) is organised by Newswav Sdn. Bhd (“the Organiser”).
The Contest will commence from May 9 - June 30, 2022 (both dates inclusive) (the “Contest Period”).
The Contest is open to all Malaysians (the “ Participants") that fall under the following category:
i) Newswav users
ii) Aged 18 and above residing in Malaysia
Content must be in a written format (the “Contest Content”).
Content must revolve around the ‘Heartwarming’ theme and must be in either English, Mandarin, or Malay.
Newswav reserves the right to reject any submissions that are non-relevant or forcefully related to the theme.
Content must be at least 100 words, where it is compulsory to include at least one (1) image or one (1) video.
Each participant is only allowed a maximum five (5) submissions per week, regardless of language. Any additional submissions will be disqualified automatically.
Content must be the participants’ original works and is not copied from any other work or material.
Content must be unique and not plagiarised. Content creators must ensure that the story has not already been shared by other media outlets/publishers.
Content submitted is to be exclusive to Newswav and not shared with other media outlets/publishers.
GRAND PRIZE x3: One (1) English content, One (1) Bahasa Melayu content, and One (1) Mandarin content with the highest number of shares by the end of the Contest Period will receive RM1,000 each.
SECOND PRIZE x3: One (1) English content, One (1) Bahasa Melayu content, and One (1) Mandarin content with the second-highest number of shares by the end of the Contest Period will receive RM750 each.
THIRD PRIZE x2: One (1) English content and One (1) Mandarin content with the third-highest number of shares by the end of the Contest Period will receive RM500 each.
NEWSWAV TOP PICKS x5: Five (5) best-written content regardless of language will be selected by Newswav at the end of the Contest Period, where winners will receive RM150 each.
Winner announcements will be made on July 15, 2022 (Friday) via email to all participants.
Cash prizes are not transferable, exchangeable or refundable in any way.
All costs and expenses in connection with the production of the Contest Content and the participation of this Contest shall be fully borne by the Participant.
Contest Content must not be vague, illegal, or unlawful, lewd, obscene, sexually explicit, pornographic, disparaging, defamatory, libelous, offensive, must not infringe any third party’s legal rights, and must not be capable of giving rise to legal action whether against you or the Company or a third party (in each case under any applicable law). User Content must be researched beforehand and to be of truth.
Newswav Sdn. Bhd. reserves the right to reject, edit or remove any of your content at the discretion of the Company, at any time.
By submitting the Contest Content, Newswav Sdn. Bhd has the rights to use the entries or material submitted for library, promotional, or commercial use globally.
Newswav Sdn. Bhd. reserve the right at its absolute discretion to postpone, reschedule and/or extend the Contest Period and/or terminate the Contest at any given time without prior notice.
Newswav Sdn. Bhd. reserve the right to amend the mechanics, prizes, and terms & conditions of the Contest, as well as other aspects of the Contest at its absolute discretion without prior notice.
By participating in this Contest, the participants are deemed to have read and understood and have agreed to comply with all terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) set forth in this section (as varied or changed).